Therapy or Life Coaching

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” 

American poet, Robert Frost’s famous line from ‘The Road Not Taken’ metaphorically speaks to the choices each of us faces in our lives. We have choices to grow or remain stuck in life – staying frustrated or even derailing ourselves. Choosing both therapy and coaching over the years has benefitted me personally, professionally, and in my relationships. You might have questions about life coaching as I have and want to share some thoughts with you. 

What is the difference between therapy and life coaching?

Therapy is provided by a licensed individual and treats a multitude of mental and emotional conditions. Their license is earned by satisfying the requirements a state licensure board decides upon.  I like to think of therapy as where we might go when in need of medical care to address a concern or an illness. Therapists provide a safe space to address one’s past – traumas and life experiences with specific training and skill.   

Life Coaching is personalized support to help one move forward with life by working towards specific goals. I think of coaching as a wellness strategy to get in shape and stick with goals.  No central board dictates who is and isn’t a coach. 

Certifying with The Life Coach School simply shows that I fulfilled the requirements of their year-long program.  As a certified coach, I have been trained to help you shift stubborn thought patterns that can keep you stuck. We work together to find solutions to your current issues and make an action plan. It allows you to practice tools that help you to be mentally stronger and find greater joy in your day. 

Are there situations that aren’t appropriate for coaching? 

Absolutely! Life coaching is not intended to help people recover from emotional or psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other conditions that require a deep dive into one’s past to heal.

Uncovering Myths around therapy and life coaching

Many myths surround hiring a therapist or coach. Investing time with either is in my opinion a sign of strength and seeking wisdom. It is not an admission of weakness or mental illness. Real talk in a safe space is life-changing! 

How do I get started coaching with you? 

You will first determine if I am the right coach for you or your tween/teen by scheduling a free half-hour call. During the call, I will answer any questions you have and learn a bit more about you and your goals. I look forward to seeing how I might help you. Let’s go! 

Is Coaching for you?

Schedule a 30-minute consult call at no cost to you and discover how coaching might be impactful and rewarding for your family.